Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Post Cruise Recap

It's fun at the end of a cruise to review some of the key trip numbers. Following are some of the most interesting ones.

The official port to port mileage for the cruise was 989. Interesting is that we did about 11 miles of sightseeing which I did not record in the port to port mileage. This brings the trip to an almost even 1000 miles. I had estimated that it would be 975 miles - pretty close, eh?

Annie used 145.7 engine hours for the trip, and 446.6 gallons of diesel. That is a rate of 3 gallons per hour, and includes the fuel used by the generator. I would guess that my average speed was 8-9 knots, but there is no way to know for sure.

Expense wise, we spent $106.59 per day, or a total of $6,075. We had budgeted about $130 per day, so we were good at minimizing expenses. The breakdown was as follows:

$                    % Total              Item
435                    7                     Groceries
573                    9                     Dining out
82                      1                     Entertainment
1869                  31                   Dockage
1638                  27                   Diesel
1478                  25                   Miscellaneous
6075                100                  Total

The miscellaneous category includes items like gifts, clothing, tips, pedicures and haircuts, books, fishing licenses, ship's store stuff, etc. Next trip we will have to better define categories so not as much goes into that category.

The following spreadsheet shows the places/ports we actually visited on our cruise.

Kerry and I would eagerly do this cruise over again. It was such fun. We love our boat and spending time on it. Jim and Jola were great traveling companions. They are wonderful friends. I publicly thank Jim for all the material he provided for the blog - Thank you, Jimbo! 

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