Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Baldwinsville NY, Lock 24, Erie Canal August 5, 2015

Marty and Kerry let me know last night that they were both sleeping in. So why were they both up before 8:00? Perhaps an early morning rain shower woke them. In any case, it was a very nice morning in Phoenix.

Lock 1 is the home of the Bridgehouse Brats. The cruising book said they were college kids who would do errands for tips, but ours turned out to be cute little kids who would take your order and bring breakfast to you from the local restaurant. Coffee was free, and Helena served mine.

We enjoyed our breakfast on the dock. We took a walk around town, which was small but nice. Jim had dinner last night at a local bar called Dukee's, and said the food was excellent, kind of like Rudy's in Vermilion.

We left Phoenix about 10:15 and arrived in Baldwinsville at 12:15, a trip of 14 miles. It was a very pretty trip, and we are now officially on the Erie Canal. Prior to leaving we decided to add another day to the Canal trip part of the voyage and cut out a day later. There are too many interesting places to stop and we want to spend 2 days in Tonawanda so we can visit Niagara Falls. Kerry climbed up on the cabin top to check our bridge clearance as we went under a low bridge - we made it!

The scenery was very pretty along the way, The channel markers are not the most elaborate we have seen, but we pay great attention to them anyway.

Lock 24 is an old lock, but it works great. This sign was posted near where we tied up.

Dockage on the wall with power and water is $5 per night, on the honor system. Showers are $.25. We were all ready for a shower and it felt great!

Jim came over and diagnosed my water leak problem in about 3 minutes. I was way off track thinking it was a leaking heater. It was the air conditioner condensate leaking out of the drip pan. The drain for the pan is on the side of the pan, so there is always some water in it, as it does not drain until the water reaches a certain level. When we were on lake Ontario Annie was rolling so much the water just spilled out of the side of the pan. At first we thought the drain tube was clogged. After we took half the boat apart to clean it, we realized it was not clogged and then deduced the problem. Thanks to my favorite engineer, Jimbo! BTW, Jim bought a bottle of jug red wine today. He is really getting with the program. I told him I was very proud of him!

Jim thinks his vibration problem may be caused by an engine alignment issue. I loaned him my Skipper Bob book so he can see where he may be able to find a mechanic. He also found a pin hole leak in his shower hose which may explain some of the water seepage issues he is having. A successful day of problem solving for Jim. Before dinner we walked to the local Ace hardware and got new hoses for Liberty. 

Dinner was shish-ka-bobs, potatoes and fresh basil and tomato salads. We ate on a picnic table near the boats. Everything was delicious, as usual. The trip tomorrow is 50 miles, so we plan to shove off at 7:00. 


My sister Marty arrived and we are having so much fun together.  She is serving as our Canal Cruise Director and doing an excellent job.  She, unlike me, is very detail oriented and very focused when it comes to helping Don chart our way.  He loves having her on board.  I am so lucky!!!!

I have to take this opportunity to recognize my wonderful son-in-law Nate.  Most of our readers know that our lovely daughter Anne Marie has a beautiful little girl Aubrey, and two very active, darling little twin boys, Grayson and Andrew.  They are a handful---actually a handful is an understatement.  Every third weekend, Anne Marie has to work so Nate  has the sole responsibility of the "handful".  This past weekend Nate, by himself, took the three children to Lowe's and to a grocery store!!!!!!

Amazing!!!!!!At Lowe's apparently Grayson was in the cart seat and Andrew & Aubrey were in the cart.  At the grocery store the boys got to sit in some firetruck or something seats and help Daddy drive, while Aubrey, and not to happy about it, had to ride in a regular seat without a steering wheel Bummer!!!!!  We were so impressed that Nate ventured out, all by himself, alone, no help, and successfully managed the entire situation.   


  1. Glad Annie made it under the bridge! Love Kerry's Comments! Great pic of Nate holding the twins! Happy Erie Canal trip!

  2. Having visited the Erie Canal and admired its pastoral beauty some years ago, we envy your lovely trip complete with scenic photos and comments.
    Wish we were there!
    Kerry, enjoying your comments! Hi Marty!!
    Loved the photo of Nate and the boys! That rivals the boys and the pumpkins.
