Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sackets Harbor August 2, 2015

Kerry was up and at them this morning. I slept in. And we both got up at the same time, 7:20. She wanted to be at the bakery at opening time, 8:00, to get fresh bread. Surprise - no bread. They don't make it for the public unless you order it 48 hours in advance. We made the best of a bad situation by buying chocolate chip and strawberry scones and enjoying them with coffee under a big shade tree. We walked by the Owl, the tall ship, and snapped a few pictures of the boat and marina. The Owl is not very ship shape.

Once we were back at the boat I dug out the material on the Oswego and Erie Canals. We have never done the canals so we need to do some preparation for this part of the voyage. Kerry started cleaning in preparation for Marty's arrival tomorrow. When she starts cleaning that is a signal for me to abandon ship, which I did. I biked to the grocery and picked up a few supplies, and also toured the city. The forecast is for 15-25 knot winds from the southwest tomorrow, so we will undoubtedly stay here another night. Marty will need to arrange transportation from Syracuse to here, a longer trip than originally planned.

Jim got ambitious and washed his boat. The color on the picture was bad so I made it B+W, but I hope you can see that his new gold stripe in his hands as it came off with his scrubbing. Not Jim's fault though, the other one fell off in Clayton, or was washed off by big seas. It appears the installation was flawed, or the stripe material was old. The installer of Annie's letters also did Jim's stripes. I better be careful!

The afternoon was just as perfect of a summer day as you could want. Blue skies, warm, but breezy and cool in the shade. I sat on Annie's upper deck and read. There was a concert by the Tenth Mountain Division Band going on in the town gazebo, which was right across the bay and loud and clear on Annie. Jim came over for a beer and soon Kerry and Jola joined us. We are going to dinner at the Tin Pan Galley which is the best restaurant in Sackets Harbor judging by the lines that form at each meal time. Jim is treating tonight as a thanks for all the planning we did for this cruise, and for talking him and Jola for going on it. Thanks, Jimbo!

Cocktails were on Liberty. We agreed no food at cocktail time. No problem. 

We were talking about the process of splitting a chicken and grilling it flat since last night when Jola did that to grill their chicken. Tonight I remembered what it was called. The Wall Street Journal had an article about it that I saved. I told Jim the technique was called spatchcock. He did not believe me, and googled the word. I wish I could post a picture of his face when Google said it was the process of splitting a chicken and cooking it flat. He was flabbergasted! 

Dinner was delicious, and the setting was perfect.


The V-Berth usually has a long shelf on either side that runs the length of the cabin.  While it is great storage, it is open storage and most unacceptable for most things that are not worthy of display. On the starboard side I arranged all of our reading materials which gave us a library that was not in the bathroom.  Ha Ha.  Notice the leather chest on the left,  This chest is our pharmacy, nice, neat, and compact and full to the top of all the things that keep us going.  On the right is a wooden basket like accessory which conceals my blow dryer, straightening iron, and my cosmetics bag. I have found that the items remain secure even in rough, rolling waves,  I love my "Tiny House".

My sister Marty is joining us tomorrow for the remainder of the trip so I spent the day cleaning.  


  1. ️️Brillig here -
    Watch those winds - we are staying put in Sarnia until Tuesday- winds 45 w higher gusts and 5-7 foot waves so we are happy as clams here - know several couples at SYC so we are very social here. Life is good.
    Bummer about the bakery - we go to one in Gore Bay that only has stuff in tins- ugh.
    We will soon be able to trade stories over some vino. Safe travels.

  2. I hope you guys do not get the wind we have harm in Cleveland over the last 5 days. It has been blowing 20-25 plus and more in gusts from the west or southwest and it has not been laying down at night. KIP

  3. Kerry - we totally think alike - you birth look fabulous !!��️️Brillig
