Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Port Dover, Ontario August 12, 2015

Jim treated us all to McDonald's Sausage and Egg McMuffins this morning. We combined that delicacy with small white powered donuts and had the perfect good bye breakfast. After coffee and tea on Liberty, we departed for Buffalo at 7:00.

The trip to Buffalo was interesting because of the current running against us. It was pretty strong at times, likely 3-4 knots. We arrived at the Black Rock Lock at 8:00, and after a few minutes wait the doors opened, the lights turned green and we were let into the lock. This was only a 5' lift, but it turned out to be one of the harder locks in which to control the boat. 

We exited the lock and made our way to Buffalo, passing under the Peace bridge and right by the new Canal Place as we made our way into the open waters of Lake Erie, back home again. 

We each took pictures of each other's boat as it left the Buffalo Harbor, and as we said good by. It was a 10 mile trip from Tonawanda to Buffalo.

Marty even took a turn at the helm as I was speaking to Jim and Kerry was cleaning up fenders and lines.

Lake Erie was not too bad to us today. This is not to say it was nice, but she could have been much worse. We had 3-4' waves from the NW, hitting Annie at an angle of about 2:00. There was no rolling and not much pounding so the ride was not too bad. Kerry and Marty did some serious sleeping, logging in a good 4-5 hours. I was able to read about 1/2 of a murder mystery. I had water hitting the front window the entire way in Lake Erie, 62 miles. The total trip today was 72 miles. We arrived at 3:30 and bought fuel, 294 liters. 

I rushed the girls fueling the boat because I wanted to make the 4:00 bridge, as it only opens on the hour and half hour. I was amused when I got to the bridge and saw it has a 22' clearance. That was never enough for Excalibur, but plenty for Annie - this bridge will not be a worry for us when we leave. 

Kerry did her new procedure today as we started our voyage. She took a turkey baster and sucked the condensate water out of our forward air conditioner pan so it would not spill out if the boat rolled from side to side. It turned out that this was unnecessary, but you never know. 

We really hoped we could get a space to dock at the Port Dover Yacht Club, and we were able to do so. We got the last space available. It is so pleasant here. It reminds me of the VYC. They were having a catered fish dinner tonight so we got two pickerel dinners to go and enjoyed them on Annie's upper deck. The members are very friendly here and Annie created lots of interest and received many favorable comments. 

We are two days ahead of schedule now, but may lose one day as the forecast indicates some rough seas coming. Our next leg to Port Stanley is almost 80 miles, so we need a nice calm lake to make that trip.


  1. ️️️️Brillig here - feeling your angst as you are nearing completion of your fabulous cruise. ��

  2. Love the group pic with Jim holding the donuts! Great pic of Marty at the helm! What are the ropes for in the lock-to keep boat steady? Thanks for a great blog!

  3. Thanks for the great blog Don. I have enjoyed my vicarious trip with you and Kerry. We had Myers, Hannas and Sandersons over for drinks, margaritas, and then went to Mitchell's for dinner. The margaritas(your recipe) were great but the food at Mitchell's was mediocre.

    If you go to the Erie Beach Hotel have the
    Perch for me. KIP
