Thursday, July 16, 2015

Leek Island Canada July 16, 2015

By the time the princess got up at 10:00 I had made coffee, updated the blog, washed a thousand little bugs off the boat and sat in the sun reading the TI (Thousand Islands) cruising guide. We enjoyed blueberry pancakes for breakfast.

Shortly after finishing breakfast we pulled up anchor and set sail (sort of) for Leek Island or Sugar Island if Leek was full. It wasn't, so we pulled in there and tied to a mooring buoy.

Can you see Kerry? That's the USA across the channel in front of Annie.

Park officials pulled up about 2 minutes after we tied up to check our payment. Jim and Jola then rowed over and picked me up so we could go to shore to pay.

There are two Holiday Houseboats tied up in the Harbor. You may remember that the year Kerry and I did not have a boat we chartered one of those boats. It was a great vacation.

Leek Island is really near the US, about 300 yards or so. The Canada/United States border is just south of us. We again have phone and unlimited data. 

We are going to stay anchored out tonight and tomorrow night, then spend 2 days in the Gananoque Marina. Today will be spent reading and relaxing. I did one nasty job which was to take the holding tank monitor out and clean it so it would correctly show the levels. It's working great now. Speaking of working great, the solar panels are really working well, charging at 13.5 amps one time when I checked. I will run the generator later to heat water for dish washing and showers.

We each spent the afternoon on our own boats. We just sort of putted away the afternoon, doing a bit of this and that. My major activity was to scrape the base of my little mast to touch up the paint. Kerry's big task was to touch up scratches on our teak throughout the boat. Cocktails were rum and tonics, dinner was the last of the Shepherd's pie. The setting sun cast a nice light on Liberty.

Tomorrow we cast off at 10:00 for Sugar Island. I hope we can still get internet and phone. It is such a luxury!


  1. What a lovely trip you are having! We were in Vermilion for ASPS rendezvous last weekend. Missed you!

    Sandy Vielhaber

    1. Thanks for thinking of us, Sandy. The hard part of a trip like this is missing all the fun activities at home with family and friends.

  2. Saw Kerry when I enlarge pic of boat! Amazing area! Had a sunny day here yet possible rain in the next few days. Love setting sun pics! Love the details! Wishing you great weather (and less bugs)!

  3. You are eating so well on the boat. YUMMO !!
