Monday, July 20, 2015

Ninette Island July 20, 2015

Today started with coffee and little powered donuts on Liberty. It was a travel day and we needed to be out by 11:00. Jola, Kerry and I biked to the grocery for milk and other items for our 3 days of anchoring. After stocking up on ice and securing the bikes we cast off, headed for somewhere in the Navy group of islands.

We passed Sugar Island and saw that our favorite anchorage was empty. But before we could turn and get in there another power boat putted in and took the spot. Darn! We just missed it. So, we motored on to Ninette Island and anchored there at noon. It was a 6.5 mile trip. It’s a somewhat big anchorage surrounded by islands.  We picked a more remote corner to drop the hook. Or so we thought. Turns out there is a back door to this anchorage and we were near it. We got a few powerboat wakes throughout the afternoon, but nothing bad. We are able to get phone and internet service from Verizon on an inconsistent basis.

Up until 4:00 it has been a relatively routine day. I did not know if I should write about me catching my flag with two treble fish hooks, Jim forgetting to turn the volume up on his VHF radio, or my getting a call from the Park Service because I had transposed some numbers on my credit card. Not much to choose from. I told Jim I need more material.

Well, then it got more exciting. It is windy today, about 15 knots I would guess. The spot we choose is open to the wind unfortunately. I would have moved but the anchor dug in the first time and it is holding great. My folding stadium type cushion chair blew off the deck while I was getting sun tan lotion. I did not see it until it was 20 yards from Annie, and moving away fast. I told Kerry I was going in after it, but thought better about it, and didn’t. I never would have been able to swim back against the wind carrying a cushion.

Kerry and I are standing at the transom of Annie watching the cushion blow away. I thought about pulling anchor and trying to get it with Annie, but decided against it. Jim is anchored downwind of us so I tried to call him to catch it but there was no phone signal. Just then a pontoon boat was going by about 40 yards away. I hailed them and they agreed to chase my cushion for me. Yea! They returned it to Annie via a boat hook and I gave them some cold beer as a reward the same way. Jim was just watching what was going on. I am not sure he had any idea of the problem.

This is a very special seat cushion. When we were shopping for it, West Marine had blue ones on sale for $50. But, on Excalibur the Princess said everything had to be black or white. So, this is a $100 black one!

Seat cushion being returned by very helpful Canadians! Who is that old, bearded guy?

The wind is calming down nicely now. We plan to grill ribs and I may try my hand at fishing again. I bought each of us 18 night crawlers yesterday. I have fed a couple to the fish already. Jola really wants to cook us a fish dinner so I hope we can be successful. Tomorrow we plan to anchor at Pine Island where I caught some really big bass when we had our houseboat charter.

The ribs were delicious. Liberty can be seen anchored downwind. 


  1. Brillig here - like the long hair that goes with the beard- edgy ! Glad you got your sport a seat back - we know the expense - ours are green. We are also reprovisioned and ready to drop the hook again tomorrow.
    Much love to all

  2. What an exciting day you had! I've been waiting for the beard pictures. Glad you got your cushion back, safely! You are amazing, writing every day. And Kerry, cooking like she does ... that's amazing too. Keep on having fun!

  3. Glad you got the cushion back! Love the beard! Your adventure continues! Thanks again for posting the details!
