Monday, July 6, 2015

Port Cobourg July 5, 2015

We left the dock at 5:55 this morning. My coffee was not even finished perking. I woke up early and thought we might as well get moving. One minor scare – we cast off the dock lines but the transmission would not engage. It’s electronic and wasn’t working. We were drifting slowly away from the dock. I flipped the circuit breakers a couple of times and finally the little green light came on. You can bet I don’t cast off the dock until I see that light from now on!

Kerry got up when she heard the engine start. I was just going to let her sleep as Jim was there to help me leave. She had stayed up late working on her VYC project. After awhile she brought lunch up. It was only 9:00 AM. She figured that it must be noon as she had been up three hours. We had a good laugh about that.

The trip to Port Cobourg was 60 miles. We arrived at 1:00 and had an average speed of 8.5 knots. We bought 155 liters of fuel, less than 40 gallons. We did not really need to refuel, but I have decided to keep the tank topped when fuel is available easily to avoid any future problems.

The seas were really flat again. We have not traveled in any large seas or waves at all. Of course we did sit out a day in Geneva and also in Port Dalhousie when we decided not to travel. At one point the sea and sky appeared to be the same color, as if they had merged.

Jim left about 2 1/2 hours after us and beat us to Cobourg by about 1/2 hour. Here his Liberty zooming by Annie 8 miles from Cobourg.

This is a nice marina, but they put us on a dock that has been inhabited by birds for some time. It took us at least 25 minutes to clean the dock of droppings. I did comment to the staff that they could have been kinder to us in their dock assignments as other clean docks were available.

Dinner tonight is at the Oasis restaurant, highly recommended by some Canadian friends. The menu looked a little pricey when we stopped by, but once we figure the 19% discount, prices get back to the States level.

I hope to get the blog caught up, but the internet is slow and spotty where we are. I may have to use it at the marina office tomorrow. I am 4 days behind now.

It turns out that you needed reservations to eat on the patio at Oasis on Sunday, which was the recommended location. I was bummed we did not have them because we were there earlier in the day checking out the menu and could have made them. They offered us a table upstairs. I did not like the room so we opted to leave. Jim and Jola stayed which was nice, as we both got to have a couple’s dinner. We ended up eating in an Italian restaurant, Marca on the Wharf, which was very nice.

We did make another schedule change. When we leave here, instead of staying at Bellville we will anchor somewhere in the Bay of Quinte. We will be here one more night.

1 comment:

  1. After cleaning 30 years of bird poop, that was interesting- Lol! They should have given you a clean dock!! That poop is nasty and NOT funny! Glad you are safe and "Annie" is running fine! Love the pics! Thanks, Don for the time posting on the blog!
